General Beech Grove High School Basketball (Boys JV) Basketball (Boys V) Basketball (Boys Fr)
Coaches vs. Cancer Game
By Quinten Starks | Dec 12, 2023 2:02 PM

It is hard to believe that we lost Coach English five years ago to his battle with brain cancer. His legacy still lives on in the hearts of Beech Grove’s staff and student-athletes. One of his most cherished legacies is the Coaches vs. Cancer game organized and coordinated by his wife, Angela English. The game this year will be on Saturday, December 16th against Roncalli High School. We have some great families that we will be recognizing and honoring so please join us. This year the Matt English Foundation will host Karen Stewart and Jennifer Brunner to support and recognize their continued battle. To honor Matt’s passing, former players and coaches will also be in attendance. The shirt this year (photos below) is quite special as Coach Jim Cross from Beech Grove High School made Angela English the design at a time when she was really struggling. It is only fitting to be our Coaches vs Cancer shirt this year! There will be a limited number of shirts available for sale at the game. The Matt English Foundation will also be in attendance along with a nacho dinner option. JV game 6:00, then C vs C recognition, and varsity tipoff to follow Thank you for all the continued love and support!