General Basketball (Girls V) Beech Grove High School Basketball (Girls JV)
Save the Date: Girls' Youth Basketball Recognition
By Quinten Starks | Nov 13, 2024 1:09 PM

We are excited to announce our BGGYBL recognition night at BGHS. This event is a great way for the community to honor and support the hard work and improvement we are seeing in our youth players. The BGGYBL players and coaches will be recognized at half-time of our VARSITY girls' basketball game against Roncalli on THURSDAY, NOV. 21st. Youth players and coaches should wear their BGGYBL shirts admitting the player and a parent/guardian into the game for free that evening. Youth players should arrive at 6:30 to be a part of our varsity warm-up activities and pre-game routine that starts at 7:00 pm. Youth players will create a "tunnel" from the locker room to the gym floor that the varsity players will run through. Participants can also line up with the team for the national anthem and take part in the starting line-up announcements. Afterward, there will be a reserved section for the teams behind the home bench to watch the game. At half-time, coaches will walk out to center court with their teams where they will be recognized. We are expecting a big crowd for this game, and we hope that all of the youth players, families, and coaches can join us for this special night. We can't wait! Go Hornets!